An Azure DevOps maturity quiz! If your organisation is already using Azure DevOps, this quiz gives you an assessment of your maturity level.
We’ll guide you through it with a number of yes/no questions – there will be 4 to 6 of them, depending on your answers.
When you have completed the quiz, we’ll present an assessment of your current Azure maturity level. There are five different levels.
At the end of the quiz, don’t miss the opportunity to get the full overview by downloading the Azure DevOps maturity assessment tree!
Ready to get going?
StartFull utilization of the Azure DevOps platform.
Using the built in potential of Azure DevOps.
Using Azure DevOps for consistency, but could benefit from a data driven approach.
Some extent of standardization, but processes tend to vary from team to team.
Processes are usually ad-hoc and unstructured.
Get the full picture, enter your contact information to download the full “quiz tree”.