The year 2021 at System Verification

The year 2021 has been filled with events and initiatives that have shaped our business. Here’s a look back at what we’ve accomplished this year.

FIRSTLY, HERE is what we accomplished in 2021 in numbers:




…AND HOSTED A FEW Internal initiatives

  • We hosted The Amazing Race, where our colleagues – divided into teams – counted all the steps they walked and the first team to walk as many steps as it takes from Athens to Stockholm, won 2000 euro to donate to a charity of their choice.
  • During the month of November, we initiated Movember, where we focused on boosting our physical and mental health through a number of activities and at the same time collecting donations for cancer research.
  • We hosted regional conferences for all our offices, three in Sweden, one in Germany, one in Poland and one in Bosnia.

Onto new opportunities in 2022

We want to sincerely acknowledge all our co-workers, customers, partners and friends who have made our progress possible and we are more ready than ever to step into the new year to explore new opportunities and grow our organisation further. We wish you a Happy Holiday and a wonderful New Year!

Finally, the year in photos:


Continue to follow our journey in 2022

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