Spring feelings in Sarajevo
Social activities and experiencing fun things together are important parts of our company culture. We like to meet and have fun! On April 15th our steadily growing Sarajevo team gathered for some team building activities and barbecue on the spring-like Javorov Do, Bjelašnica. Enjoy some pictures from the day!
Hello team Sarajevo!
whilst others played football…
Enjoying the views
Some of the team played games…
… or competed in building the highest spaghetti tower.
Everyone helped to prepare the barbecue. Here is some traditional ćevapčići and sudžukice sizzling on the grill. Looks delicious!
Some people call it team building, but for us it’s just another day spent with great people, because we are building the team every day.
– Kerim Kurtagić, Test Engineer
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